Just as Guilty
Just as guilty as the young Muslim radicals who follow the interpretations & instructions of their extreme leaders, are those politicians who follow their party's line and vote as told rather than their conscience. The radical Muslims are willing to sacrifice their lives to further their cause -- the politicians are willing to sacrifice their souls.
"The path to hell is paved with good intentions", remember? The subjective word in that famous cliche' is "good", not "proper", mind you. What a radical Muslim sees as "good" is not necessarily what a Republican politician sees as "good", is not what a Democratic politician sees as "good", etc.
However, "proper" is a view of concensus. And, what radical Muslims are doing is as improper as what this President & our Congress are doing in their attempt to change things for the perceived better.
If our President and our Congress cannot learn from their mistakes, then how do we ever expect to teach these radical Mulsims of theirs? So far, we haven't taught these radicals that they are wrong -- these radicals being the Muslim extremists, our President and our Congress.
Gentlemen, get to know each other. I hear that highway to hell is far from finished. You'll be rubbing elbows a lot down there. Try and keep your cool.

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